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- LIAFS, in conjunction with the New York e-Health Collaborative, has been chosen to develop and implement the federal and state initiative of (EHR), Electronic Health Records. This initiative puts LIAFS at the forefront of new system development as it pertains to client medical information. Through this project LIAFS will partner with Stony Brook University Hospital and area Medical Providers.
- Newsday Charities\Tribune Foundation has once again invited LIAFS to submit a grant for program funding. We are very grateful for this opportunity.
- LIAFS has partnered with Long Island Cares for on-going donations for our youth and families. We are very grateful to Long Island Cares.
- LIAFS has contracted with the Suffolk County Department of Labor for their Suffolk Workforce Experience and Youth Program funded by the Workforce Investment Act.
- LIAFS is grateful to Google Adwords for their continued support of our programs.